Class BootstrapContainer.
Class BootstrapForm Form rendered using Bootstrap 4
Converts a Form into Bootstrap 4 HTML output.
Class BootstrapUtils. Utils for this library.
An easy-to-use list of date/time formats

How to understand the constants

  1. D_ prefix -> date format
  2. T_ prefix -> time format
  3. DMY , YMD and MDY specify the order of day, month and year
  4. _NO_LEAD suffix means no leading zeros
  5. T_12 LOWER / UPPER point to AM/am, PM/pm
Class RenderMode Defines the mode BootstrapRenderer works in.
Class RendererConfig.
Class RendererOptions.
Class BootstrapCell.
Class BootstrapRow.
Class ButtonInput.
Class CheckboxInput. Single checkbox.
Class CheckboxListInput.
Class DateTimeInput. Textual datetime input.
Interface IAutocompleteInput.
Classes implementing this interface can explicitly show their validation status.
Class MultiselectInput.
Class RadioInput. Lets user choose one out of multiple options.
Class SelectInput.
Class SubmitButtonInput. Form can be submitted with this.
Class TextAreaInput
Class TextInput
Class UploadInput. Single or multi upload of files.
Trait AddRowTrait. Implements method to add a bootstrap row.
Trait BootstrapButtonTrait. Modifies an existing button class such that it returns a bootstrap button.
Trait BootstrapContainerTrait.
Trait ChoiceInputTrait.
Trait FakeControlTrait.
Trait InputPromptTrait.
Trait StandardValidationTrait.